Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BNI's Givers Gain Philosophy and Servant Leadership

BNI is a referral networking organization with chapters all over the U.S. and in many countries around the world. In the following excerpt of a note to our local BNI chapter, I was recently reflecting on BNI's principal doctrine of "Givers Gain", and how it compares to servant leadership.

"Givers gain" is the primary tenet, or doctrine, behind BNI. The idea is that as you give to people, in terms of referrals, advice, support, education, and knowledge you gain in return. Now, we all know that this is a gradual process, and that the return often takes time and can be very subtle. Those who join BNI to just gain are often disappointed with the outcome because they don't see immediate returns. This can also be a self-fulfiling prophecy, as members can readily see who is in BNI just to gain and may be less inclined to give them referrals. 

The "servant leader" philosophy suggests that the leader exists to serve others in the organization. In that process, the leader gains respect and devotion and develops longer, more productive, more meaningful relationships with the members of the organization. Many companies espouse the servant leader doctrine, and the leader gives of themselves, teaches, supports, and coaches, as opposed to merely making demands and expecting results. Through this process, the company culture flourishes and the opportunities for success are amplified. 

In many ways, this is how we exist in BNI. As servant leaders, we give of ourselves through our knowledge and experience, and our fellow members gain from our leadership and generosity. In the process, we gain in many ways; not the least of which is referrals."